The Camera:
1. Camera absurca means "dark room" in latin. The hole was basically the lens and projected everything in the "dark room."
2. Both Isaac Newton and Christian Huygens creating a glass lens, making it clearer and better quality.
3. Niepce added fim to make it better. " a glass lens, dark box, and film".
4. There both the pretty much the same. Just point and shoot.
5. Digital cameras capture images basically the exact same way as there ancestors, just more technological. Light passes through the lens, int the camera and exposes the film. And everything the same as before.
Camera Modes:
6. The difference between auto/program mode, is that in auto mode it will completely control the flash know matter what you shoot. While on program mode, all you do is point and shot and you usually control the flash.
7. Portrait mode is just when ever you wanna take a picture it blurs the background and gives you the fasted lens capture.
8. Sports mode is pretty easy, it just works but giving you the fastest shutter speed. So if your taking pic. of someone playing football it ttys to get a good shot.
The Half press:
9. So you can focus the picture right before actually taking the shot. (ready, aim, fire)
Controlling Flash:
10. It means no flash or (disable flash). You would use it more if you ant a more dramatic affect w/ the natural light include or if you just don't think you need it.
11. It means that the auto flash in enable. so basically the camera uses the flash whn ever it this you need it, instead of moving setting or dials.
Introduction to exposure:
12. When there is to much like than usually your pic. will get washed out but too much like, which ant good.
13. If its too ark then you won't be able to see the pic. really well.
The Universal Stop:
14. It is a relative measurement of light.
15. It will be 2 light bulbs brighter.
16. Then it would be 4 light bulbs brighter than 2.
Shutters and Aperture:
17. If the shutter speed is longer than the pic. would be bright.
18. If the shutter speed is shorter than the pic. would have less light than the longer shutter.
19. The aperture basically controls the lens, opening and closing it to enter light.
20. The larger the oping of the aperture the more light well go in the smaller the opening the less amt. of light go in.
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