Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Photo shoot reflection.

1. I think one of the challenges when taking the photo's on the first 4 prompts was getting the real pic. and by that i mean, making sure that i got what the prompt was asking and not taking completely different things.
2. One of the thing that i found thinking about the most is getting a good focus. Not focusing the lens or anything like that but like I said on #1. Trying to make sure i was getting what i wanted.
3. If i was gonna do the assignment again, i would probably change the was a was rushing myself, b/c i was trying to get some good shots.
4. I almost always do the same thing when i take pictures.
5. I did notice that i had some framing, third rule and some other on the picture that i took.
6. It wouldn't be bad to do the same prompts again. At least i have a better understanding of how the prompts work.

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