Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO. What are they?

Manual Setting:

Camera setting list from web...

Aperture: 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, 22

Shutter speed: 1 sec. , 1/60 sec. , 1/4000

ISO: 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800, 25600

ISO. What is it?

ISO 3200 setting.
ISO 200 setting.
1.  The advantages of shooting in high ISO in dark lighting, is to capture the image better. Especially when its involving a faster object being shot like basketball.
2. The author basically suggested to stay in low ISO, well if theres plenty of light.
3. The author said pretty much the opposite of low ISO, using it when there isn't enough light and when trying the capture an image more faster,

Monday, September 26, 2016

Shutter Speed. What is it?

High shutter speed.
Slow shutter speed.
1.                         2.
A- slow               A- high         
B- slow               B- slow
C- high               C- high
D- high               D- high
E- slow               E- slow
F- high               F- high

2. Auto mode basically has the shutter & aperture together just on auto. You can even switch it to manual mode to control it more manually. Or even aperture priority, when you control the lens but the shutter speed it automatic.

Aperture. What are they?

F16 setting is smaller but bigger.
F2.8 setting is bigger but smaller.

1. A part of the body that can be mostly related w/ aperture, would be the pupil. The reason for that is b/c it depends on the amount of light pass through that lens just like an eye.
2. The smaller the aperture the higher, The higher the aperture the smaller.
3. Depth of field is basically how sharp the image is. Kind of how sharp the pic is and even though you can still see the background, it's blurred out.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Back & white photos pt.2

I picked this photo by Bourke-White because it show a very important message.  Bourke-White was born on June 14, 1904 in New York, New York.  She later died on August 27, 1971. I got this information from (www.briannica.com).
She was permitted to take pics. of the soviet industry, she was also the first female photographer on life mag. She has about 6 books. I got the information from (wikipedia).

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Academic & Community/ Final assignment

1. I picked the very first picture that was on "Academic & Community". I picked that photo b/c i liked the way how the photographer took a center picture of the kid in science class, right when he was mixing some different types of chemicals.
2. If I had to chose what rules of photography, I would probably have to say either its "balance" or "simplicity" b/c it shows the center of the person, doing what he's doing.


1.  Some places that i could take pictures like the one on the 2 different websites would be in any toe of science class that are going to do a type of lab, or other toes of interesting classes like colanary ect.
2. I would like to visit the class rooms like i said on the first question. I don't low who exactly b/c i want to make sure that they aren't just gong to be taking notes. Maybe one of my favorite algebra/geometry teacher Ms.Cayer.
3. To get some pictures like i saw i would like to go in the classes that are doing more interesting thing like labs, projects or any type of group work. So i'm able to in-between them.

Filling the Frame. (academic pre.)

In this picture taken by Maggie Z. shows some frame being filled. by that i mean that the people are filling the picture. they seem to be in science class, everyone surrounding the experiment. 

Actions and Emotions. (academic shoot pre.)

On this picture taken by Samantha J. has some emotion. One of the actions that  the people are doing, is helping and giving homeless people food It looks like it is the winter time b/c everyone as jacket and hates . If you see doe of the homeless people some are very thankful.

The Story. (academic shoot pre.)

On this photo that was taken by Sam A. from Fox Creek H.S  is very interesting that somehow looks like it tells a story. The reason why i say that is because visually if you look at it. it looks like everyone is holding hands and standing around what looks like to be a flag, and praying. So maybe they are praying about the loved ons that have passed.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Photo shoot reflection.

1. I think one of the challenges when taking the photo's on the first 4 prompts was getting the real pic. and by that i mean, making sure that i got what the prompt was asking and not taking completely different things.
2. One of the thing that i found thinking about the most is getting a good focus. Not focusing the lens or anything like that but like I said on #1. Trying to make sure i was getting what i wanted.
3. If i was gonna do the assignment again, i would probably change the was a was rushing myself, b/c i was trying to get some good shots.
4. I almost always do the same thing when i take pictures.
5. I did notice that i had some framing, third rule and some other on the picture that i took.
6. It wouldn't be bad to do the same prompts again. At least i have a better understanding of how the prompts work.

Friday, September 9, 2016

9/11. Avoiding Mergers

I chose this to be Avoiding mergers b/c its shows the whole pic. of what happened. beside the random guy standing there. Even most things were cropped out b/c they probably didn't fit the whole pic.

9/11. Framing.

I chose this to be framing b/c of the way the fire fighter is climbing the later. Other than the fire fighter, its framing b/c of the building literally framing the man. it looks odd but its a frame.

9/11. Balance.

I chose this pic. to be balance b/c of the way Bush and the other man are standing. Side to side, that shows an evenness. The evenness of them to and the background of whats happening.

9/11. Rules of Thirds

Now I chose this to photo be in the Rules of Third b/c, of the way the fire fighters are sitting.  The fire fighters are sitting mainly on the right so it shows more space around them. It shows them resting and what happened.

9/11. Simplicity.

I chose this to be simplicity b/c of the way the photo is taken. It shows the main thing thats happening, or happened. The way the camera got angled more upward shows the main focus.

9/11. Lines.

In the picture it shows the building that was hit by ones of the planes. This would also be describes as "lines" b/c of the building vertical lines. Also the way the clouds are formed during the tragic incident.

Prompt Shoot 1.


Friday, September 2, 2016

Great Black & White Photographers

tumblr_mbj45vrL9X1rw3fqbo1_1280.png (1280×1335)
1867x2362-Brassai_01_full-2.jpg (1867×2362)

j07-deca-grad-480.jpg (480×327)

The Camera History and Basic Functions.

The Camera:

1. Camera absurca means "dark room" in latin. The hole was basically the lens and projected everything in the "dark room."

2. Both Isaac Newton and Christian Huygens creating a glass lens, making it clearer  and better quality.

3. Niepce added fim to make it better. " a glass lens, dark box, and film".

4. There both the pretty much the same. Just point and shoot.

5. Digital cameras capture images basically the exact same way as there ancestors, just more technological. Light passes through the lens, int the camera and exposes the film. And everything the same as before.

Camera Modes:

 6. The difference between auto/program mode, is that in auto mode it will completely control the flash know matter what you shoot. While on program mode, all you do is point and shot and you usually control the flash.

7. Portrait mode is just when ever you wanna take a picture it blurs the background and gives you the fasted lens capture. 

8. Sports mode is pretty easy, it just works but giving you the fastest shutter speed. So if your taking pic. of someone playing football it ttys to get a good shot.

The Half press:

9. So you can focus the picture right before actually taking the shot. (ready, aim, fire)

Controlling Flash:

10. It means no flash or (disable flash). You would use it more if you ant a more dramatic affect w/ the natural light include or if you just don't think you need it.

11. It means that the auto flash in enable. so basically the camera uses the flash whn ever it this you need it, instead of moving setting or dials.

Introduction to exposure:

12. When there is to much like than usually your pic. will get washed out but too much like, which ant good.

13. If its too ark then you won't be able to see the pic. really well.

The Universal Stop:

14. It is a relative measurement of light. 

15. It will be 2 light bulbs brighter.

16. Then it would be 4 light bulbs brighter than 2.

Shutters and Aperture:

17. If the shutter speed is longer than the pic. would be bright.

18. If the shutter speed is shorter than the pic. would have less light than the longer shutter. 

19.  The aperture basically controls the lens, opening and closing it to enter light.

20. The larger the oping of the aperture the more light well go in the smaller the opening the less amt. of light go in.