Sunday, November 6, 2016

Portraits & Self-Portraits.

Tips of Portraits & Self-Portraits:
  1. Looking off camera, have your subject focus their attention on something unseen & outside the field of view of your camera.

  2. Get close to the object that your taking a picture of,  if you want it to be the center of attention. 

Environmental Portraits:

One of the portraits that i pick for the environmental side looks
like the cranberry guy from the cranberry commercial, but
the reason why i picked this one is b/c in my opinion it shows what
the man does and what it looks like to me, and just being
Now this other pic, the reason why i chose it
is b/c as you can see the elderly person doing what he does. Thats the reason why i chose these 2 pic. for environmental, not only cause of google but b/c it give you a clear pic of what they're doing.

Photography Self-Portrait:

The reason why i chose this pic is b/c i like
how the papers or mail is everywhere.
This i kind of how i want my portrait
but less... i guess.. photoshopped?

Now the reason why I chose this pic is b/c in my opinion it shows
a lot  of character, idk just something about it. Its like a 2 sided

Casual Portraits:
I chose this pic. for the portrait side b/c its pretty basic and "casual"
in my opinion. It shows the person just sitting w/ water and books.
Very simple that kind of describes the person a little bit.
The reason why i chose this other pc for
this category is b/c its simply
shows what looks like a mother and her
son having a good time, that is very

Ideas/ Plans:

I think I have a pretty good idea of what and how i want my portrait and self-portrait to be. For my self-portrait i kind of want to have me either sitting on the couch, my bed, or by a table w/ my books, txt books and homework. Being dressed up w/ my Walgreens uniform (my job) and my phone and laptops, kind of looking stressed out. The reason why i want all of these types of things included in my portrait is cause I do a good amt. of stuff at school and work
w/ different responsibilities and priorities to do. The reason why I 
want to look stressed out is cause i sometimes get stressed like 
everyone else especially when i don't finish what i have to do. I just want
to be able to do this self-portrait and let people know who 
am and what i do a a kind of day to day basis. 

Now for the normal portrait I'm hoping to see if i am able to catch either 
one of my family members or a random person down town
just being themselves. Just being able to get a good purpose of what the person 
is doing at that moment. 

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