Friday, November 4, 2016

American Soldier.

   A. The most powerful image that I saw and thought was very powerful, was w/ the caption "A Hug Farewell" b/c it shows the emotion and seriousness in the image. How his 2 friends say that last good byes and his parents in the background.
   B. These images work together to create this whole story of him basically enrolling to be part of the whole U.S. military to the train to the 2 different parties he was in w/ his friends and family and just him and his friends. Also from more training and him returning home and proposing to his 1st girlfriend and the live of being in iraq, to more of his personal life and later proposing to his 2nd girlfriend. 
    C. The way the captions enhance the photos is basically by titling each one of them and explaining whats going on at that moment for example when he was saying bye to his friends and family, and what he's feeling at that moment.
    D. The summary of Ian Fisher is pretty simple, just by reading the captions and looking at the pictures. By simple his starting at the recruit office and him getting prepared to be trained to going to the doctor and getting checked out and doing more training and finally getting his weapons and finally saying goodbye to his friends and family since he was getting sent to Iraq and proposing to his first wife then later divorcing and later remarrying.

  1. the amount of sentences vary to the story behind the story of the pic they go to 1 sentence up to 7 sentences.
  2. The first sentence of most of the pics, say whats exactly happening or Ian is doing in the pic.
  3. The second sentence is mainly talking of what they have learned or what they as in everyone is doing. 
  4. The third sentence just give a type of inference. 
  5. Yes.
  6. Yes. Some have 4.

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