Monday, April 3, 2017

My first interview

Assignment #2:
-Student of the month-

1. How do spell you name? "Jamie Anagnos."

2. After winning student of the month, how does it feel? "It feels accomplishing."

3. Are you getting more attention after the win if so how does it feel? "Yes! It feels very special b/c everyones praising me."

4. What did you do to deserve this award? "I worked really hard for the past month."

5. Did your friends or family force you to run for student of the month? "My family did."

6. Were you even expecting to win student of the month? "No b/c I think theres smarter people than me."

7. Are there any specialties after winning? " I get to have a name plate around the school & it goes on my college application."

8. Do you think after this whole win, thats you a whole new person? "I feel more confident."

9. What did you expect to happen after being student of the month? "More uplifting."

10. Do you really think that being student of the month is a good way to lead some of you classmates? "Yes b/c it show that hard work pays off."

11. Has after winning student of the month made you understand what it means to be student of the month? "yes."

12. Is there someone you'll like to think about the win? If so who? "My parents for encouraging me."

13. Being student of he month, are you able to make minor changes around? "No."

14. How long did it take you toy win? "3 months."

15. Whats an advantage of being student of the month? " My teachers give me Hw passes b/c of the hard going being showed."

16. Whats a disadvantage of being student of the month? "After the month is over, my teachers expect me to work hard still."

17. Do you feel more stressed of after being student of the month or the same? "More pressure to do good, and better."

18. How do you pronounce your name? -Skipped-

19. How can you make a difference in your school? "Courage students to know they don't have to be the smartest to win."

20. Do you have certain responsibilities or jobs as the student of the month? " The principle tells me to encourage other students."

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