Monday, March 27, 2017

Architecture Assignment

La Pedrera, Spain.

1. The architects are Antoni Guadi and  Josep Maria Jujol. 
2.The building was built in 1906-1912. 
3. The building is located in Spain.
4. Its more of a public building, everyone can visit it.
5. Unfortunately not. 
6. Yes. Some say that the reason it was built the was it is now is to even out the amount of light coming through the rooms in ever level. The others i just can't find.
7. I picked this building b/c its in Spain and I've always wanted to to go there. I've always had an interest in Spain and i want to know more about it. And the end result was amazing. The building looks amazing and is open to the public which is also amazing.

Sculptured House, USA

1. The architect was Charles Deaton.
2. The house was built in 1963.
3. There are various location for the house which are in Colorado, Jefferson County eat.
4. Yes. The building is private b/c they are homes. and people live there. 
5. The price depends but it states that the mortgage for the house at one time was 3.1 million.
6. The house was built that was juts to be abstract. 
7. The reason i pick this building is b/c I really didn't know what to expect. I didn't really expect to see and nice, abstract and expensive house. I will say that the house is a love or hate situation b/c of how the house is shaped and b/;c of it location.

Cubic Houses, Netherlands.

1. The architect is Piet Blom.
2. The homes were built in and designed around 1977.
3. The Netherlands.
4. No, its open to the public in certain hours.
5. No, all it talks about is how much it cost to visit the nice place like parking and tickets eat.
6. The only reason i could find was about how the architect wanted to have a modern living museum.
7. The reason why i chose these building, is b/c i've never seen or heard about cubical homes. All I've heard of is tiny homes and couldn't imagine what else to expect. Especially where they're at and how they were designed.

Kansas City Public Library, United States.

1. Unfortunately I couldn't find the architect.
2. So the library was founded in 1873. And it was build and it was officially build in 2005.
3. Kansas City and many more,
4. No. It's a public library.
5. I found, if I'm right it cost 50,000,000. I'm still not 100% sure.
6. The purpose on actually building the new library is too kind of celebrate and remember the age of the library.
7. I really wasn't expecting a lot when i chose this location. I just thought that the library was just going to be a simple building on a weird location, w/ some type of abstract feature.

Nautilus House, Mexico.

1. The architect is Javier Senosiain.
2. The house was finally completed by 2007.
3. Its located in Mexico.
4. No, the house isn't private. The house is open the public fro certain hours of the day.
5. The cost of the house is about $218,000.
6. The purpose of building the house and the way the design stated was when...
7. The reason why i chose this building is really b/c it said t was in Mexico. Since I'm half Mexican, i always like to learn something new about by culture. I really wasn't expecting anything about a house. i never knew that i would be so futuristic and having its weird floor plan layout.

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