Monday, December 12, 2016

Final Exam Review. (NOT DONE)

1. You will need to know how to write a correct caption. Remember its 2 and ONLY 2 sentences long.

  • Rules of Third: lining a subject w/ the guide lines and there intersection points, placing the horizon on the top or bottom line. 
  • Balancing elements: being even and equal.
  • Leading lines: having some types of lines or lines objects involved ing the phone you or someone else took.
  • Symmetry & patterns: Kind of like balance, but also having patterns.
  • Background: The main object and kind of general idea of the who photo in general.
  • Create Depth: Usually the upper surface of the image, ect.
  • Framing cropping: having to do w/ some type of frame shown in an image or border, you can automatically tell when it is.
  • Mergers & avoiding: when the background pic. is directly in front or behind the subject, kind of overlap.

5 Websites:

1. Spiral Stair case:
 Link of web.:

I learned that this photographer named Christian would take these pics. in abandoned building in Germany w/ Canon 5D ll, 16-35 mm f/2.8 Lens and tripod ect.

Why'd you pick it? I picked this pic. b/c it has to do w/ the spiral staircase, but mainly b/c I've never noticed how weird an abandoned staircase looked like. It just looks creepy and just shows the different types of characteristics.

Rule? I think that the rules of the pic. would be balance...

Who took the picture? Christian Richter


2. The Oldest Things Alive:
Link of web.:

I learned that the photographer Rachel Sussman has basically learned biology and is very interested about the objects. The photographer gets her inspirations from the old types of earth objets like the minerals ect.

Why'd you pick it? I picked this photo b/c the title of " The oldest Things Alive" seems interesting, and it was. Looking at thinks that you don't normally seen is very interesting.

Rule? Rules of third..

Who took the the picture? Rachel Sussman is the photographer.


3. Killer Time-lapse:
Link to web.:

Describe what you saw? The video that i saw was about a time-lapse that looked to be in different cities. Some actually involved cities some involved Water and more nature creativity. I do think that the person did do a good job. You just have to be in the right spot on the right time.

4. Great portraits:
Link of web.:

I learned in this informal page that, portraits and kind of different when it comes to other types of photography. For example it mentions fashion photography, and that models don't really have a right way. but it's just a tad bit different. in this case these are normal people being a "model ".

Why'd you pick it?  I picked this one b/c I think all types of photography is interesting, Portraits and self portraits have there own meaning in my opinion.

5. Style:
Link of web.:


  Why'd you pick it? I chose this  pic. b/c of the title, I personally have like an okay since if style, it;s nothing to serious. but its okay. and the title got to me b/c of wondering what to expect.

I learned that it takes a lot to actually have a good pic. rather its posing, or making sure your hair and everything else is one well. i will have to say. there is a pretty good art/ of photoshop happening when there modeling.

Top 100 Photos of all time.

"Oscars Selfie"

1. I picked this pic. b/c of how many good celebrity actors/ actresses there are. Everyone just looks like they're all having fun.

2. The selfie happened during the 2014 Oscars, hosted by Ellen Degeneres. Bradly Cooper held the Samsung product that was later advertised for the company.

3. Theres really not much additional information besides taking a random selfie during the award shows. W/ Ellen, Bradley, Angelina, Brad and many other celebrities.

4. The photographers, Bradley Cooper.

5. He's an actor.

"JFK Assassination, Frame 313"

1. I picked this pic. b/c of the title and who it was about. I kind of already knew what to expect. I've already seen the video of his assassination.

2. The tiny article that i read is about JFK. Its about where and what the president was doing at that exact moment. which was saying hi to everyone that was there w/ his wife. and all of a sudden he gets assassinated in front of his wife.

3. JFK got shot in downtown Dallas. by 1963 his presidential advisors were preparing for the next president. During the horrific shooting, one bullet his the resident and the other hit the governor.

4. anonymous photographer.

5.anonymous ( can't be found).

 " Milk drop Coronet" 

1. I picked this image b/c its just so different, when it goes to an actual photo. It's just very interesting. kind of abstract. The colors, even though they seem very simple, just been able to capture and image like this is very cool.

2. Basically the drop of milk was taken by a camera, with a timer. By Harold Edgerton, This was kind of an experiment which later turned out to be a brilliant idea Harold ws wanting to change the photography life. 

3. Harold was a professor of electrical engineering, in the Massachusetts institute of technology. in 1925 he received his bachelors degree in electrical engineering. 

4.   5. Harold Edgerton born April 6, 1904. died January 4, 1990.who attended Massachusetts institute of technology.

 " 99 cent" 

1. I chose this pic. b/c I liked how it captures most and almost all isles of the store. I like how all the different colors in the store also pop out of the pic. 

2. To summarize the informational paragraph, this photo was taken by Andreas Gursky’s . They took this pic w/ customers in the store and kept them anonymous. and so did he. Since this was the only 99 cent store on Los Angels. Which was later sold for 2.3 million.

3.  4. Andreas Gursky’s born January 15, 1955. He is still alive and studied in Kunstakademie Dusseldorf. 

 " First cellphone picture" 

1. I chose this picture b/c of the title and how it was the first cell phone camera. It just seems very interesting, having to see how cell phone cameras have come in the past couple of years is crazy. Some phones have as good as a normal camera or better. 

2. To summarize the little article, Philippe Kahn  was w/ his wife and new born child. When he just started messing w/ different devise. and once he took this pic. of his child everyone wants it. It was first welcomed in japan and later on the U.S.

3 none.  4. Philippe Kahn born march 16, 1952. studied ETH Zurich,  an has written a book.

portrait and self portrait.

Self portrait.